Saturday: August 15th day 5 continued
Breakfast: I had 1/2 grapefruit again and Kelly had an apple.
And Oolong Tea, at lease 2 cups a day, it helps with hungries.
(Click on any photo to enlarge)
Delicious Pink Grapefruit with 1/2 pack Truvia
Crunchy Granny Smith Apple
Of course the ever present Lemon water
Green onion chicken soup
It was so good I didn't even miss the noodles.
And 2 thin breadsticks
Did I mention I am drinking a LOT of lemon water?
Chicken and herb patties with a drizzle of Dijon/dill sauce & Broccoli
I put my last fruit serving, strawberries, in the Vita Mix with a packet of Truvia and some vanilla and made a sorbet.
A closer look at delicious!
Today hasn't been too bad...
I wasn't as hungry as I was yesterday.
Next week we add in a couple of workouts and early morning walks.