
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Team SummaTime- Join us?

Are you interested in losing 10-20 pounds this summer? If so, join our Team SummaTime group on Facebook, or simply follow along on this blog!

As some of you know, I lost 28 pounds in April/May and have maintained that loss! My Daughter lost 12 pounds! But I have more weight to lose and lots of people have been asking me how I did it and if I could help them. So I decided to create the Team SummaTime Challenge!

There are two ways to lose!

1. If you looking to lose more than 10 pounds, you will need purchase the h HCG spray (available HERE for $77.00 + s&h) and use meal/workout plan #1. To get to the "Order Now" button please follow the link and scroll all the way to the bottom. If you are using the HCG you will be losing more weight than someone using plan #2 without HCG. On average if followed correctly, you can lose up to 1 lb. per day. SAFELY! You saw me lose 28 pounds last APRIL/MAY and I feel great! Lots of energy and no hunger!

2. If you are looking to lose 10 pounds or less, you can follow along with us using meal/workout plan #2. You will not be losing as much and as fast as someone using the HCG spray, and your meal portions will be larger. But you will lose at least 10 pounds and feel amazing!

If you are unfamiliar with how the HCG diet works, please feel free to review HERE.

Here is a basic overview of what we will be doing during our 23 day challenge.
  • Weekly meal plans and menu will be provided for you. 
  • Exercise will only include walking 1 mile/5 days a week  (more or less if you want) and optional 5 minute workout daily (link to follow).
  • A download-able chart will be available to track your progress.
  • For questions and support you can join our Facebook group, or if you have a yahoo account you can comment here on the blog.
  • A weekly download-able shopping list will be available.
  • Occasional cooking tutorials will be available here and on the Team SummaTime facebook page.
If you are up for the Team SummaTime Challenge sign up on facebook or leave a comment below! We will be starting the challenge on August 15th so please order your HCG spray HERE as soon as possible!

If after the 23 days you wish to continue you will have enough HCG spray to do a 40 day diet.
Just re-use the menu's and shopping lists.

*Disclaimer- These are my own opinions based on my experience on the HCG diet. Your results are up to you. I take no responsibility for YOUR personal results.


Tina The Cook said...

Rainey, having done the HCG diet twice..with amazing guidance from YOU,I know first hand that this does work! I have lost 30lbs and I look forward to coming along on this journey to help me maintain and to also achieve a new weight goal. Kudo's to you for sharing this with your family and friends! I look forward to your menu suggestions and being apart of your team. Very excited!

Sharr said...

totally on board thank you :) I have lost 54 lbs and feeling great :)

About Me

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Valley of the Sun, Arizona, United States
I am so blessed to be able to spend lots of time with my beautiful grandchildren and family! Please visit my other blog to see what projects I am up to.